Atlanta Rabbinical Association
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The Election & the Session: Rabbinic Roundtable Insights into the Georgia Legislature 2025
WHEN: Tuesday, December 10th @ 7pm
WHERE: Location to be shared upon RSVP (below).
The Atlanta Rabbinical Association presents an evening with Esther Panitch (House Rep. 51), Greg Bluestein (Atlanta Journal-Constitution), and Sam Olens (former Atty. General) to discuss how the November election informs the GA State legislature and what it means for our Jewish community and you.
The event is open to the public and free of charge with RSVP.

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The Atlanta Rabbinical Association (ARA) promotes fellowship, communication, and comradery among the rabbis serving the Metro Atlanta Jewish communities. We support each rabbi in professional and personal growth so that they may serve, teach, and hold sacred their respective communities with wisdom, strength, and dignity. Through our collective uplift, we form a cadre of spiritual voices that contribute to the betterment of civil society.